Friday, September 16, 2016

Academic Shoot Preview

The Story:

I think this photograph tells the best story because it shows people hands on helping out. It shoes the expressions, the food they're serving, and everything is very raw and apparent in the picture. You can see the man in the back, the attire of the homeless, and the work that's going in to help better lives. The whole picture tells a story, and you can understand what's happening just by looking at it.

Action and Emotion:

I think this picture shows the best emotion because everyone is gathered around the pole, holding hands. While when we may not know exactly what's happening in the photograph, you can feel the emotion and heartfelt feelings radiating from the photograph.

Filling the Frame:

I think this picture has the most action and interesting things in the background. From the water captured suspended in the air, to the expressions of the girls, the classroom supplies in the background, plus trying to figure out what is happening in the picture, this photo captures the essence of what school should be like, exciting, and educational.

Junior Year:

1. Why did you pick this photo?

I picked the photo 'Junior Year' because I think it shows the kind of pressure put on students for the SAT's. The above ground angle adds to the interesting look, since you aren't able to the the students face, only the title of his books, and his position.

2. What rules of photography are evident in this photo?

I think this picture shows the rule of balance most. The geometric shapes of his books create an interesting angle to look at. The black and white gives the photo simplicity, which is another technique being used. His materials, books, and the library shelving are the only things seen in the picture besides him, this gives the photo a calm and simple vibe.

My Pictures:

1. I could take pictures like these in classrooms where there is colorful work up on the wall, an active work ethic happening, and exciting and vibrant teacher, and an environment that is fun and interesting to look at.

2. I could go work in Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Mayfield's classrooms since both have large and interesting classes, as well as personalities.

3. As a photographer, I will take candid shots, as well as pictures that tell a story, show a personality, a and promote a healthy and education school experience.

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